Dr. Bharti's Holisitic Wellness

Fight Auto-Immune Disorders

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Auto-Immune Disorders An Understanding

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells, tissues and organs. Auto-Immune disorders are largely driven by a combination of genetic susceptibility and food and environmental triggers. Certain genes can predispose individuals to autoimmune diseases by influencing immune system function and regulating how the body distinguishes between “self” and “non-self”. 

However, not all genetically susceptible individuals develop autoimmunity. 

 Food allergens and environmental factors are necessary to initiate or exacerbate the disease. This interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental triggers is a key feature of autoimmune disease development.

Common Auto-Immune Disorders

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Affects the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and eventual joint damage.

Type 1 Diabetes

The immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

The immune system attacks the thyroid gland, leading to hypothyroidism.

Celiac Disease

The immune system responds to gluten, causing damage to the small intestine.

Sjogren’s Syndrome

Affects moisture-producing glands, leading to dry eyes and mouth.


Affects the skin, leading to red, scaly patches

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Affects the central nervous system, leading to symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, and impaired coordination.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, and other organs.

Graves' Disease

Leads to hyperthyroidism, where the immune system stimulates the thyroid to produce too much hormone.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, both of which cause inflammation in the digestive tract.

The Real Culprit Today’s Lifestyle

Several lifestyle factors can increase the risk of autoimmune diseases or trigger flare-ups in genetically predisposed individuals.

These include: 

Poor and faulty Diet – Diets high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can trigger inflammation and increase the risk of autoimmune diseases. Intake of allergens triggers immune response in genetically predisposed individuals.

Sedentary Lifestyle – Lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain and increase inflammation, worsening autoimmune symptoms.

Chronic Stress – Prolonged stress can disrupt immune regulation and trigger or worsen autoimmune conditions.

Exposure to Toxins – Chemicals in pesticides, pollution, and certain medications can trigger immune dysregulation.

Poor Sleep – Lack of sleep can impair immune function and contribute to inflammation.

Smoking – Smoking is a significant risk factor, particularly for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Infections – Some viral and bacterial infections (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus) have been linked to the onset of autoimmune diseases.

Hormonal Imbalances – Autoimmune diseases are more common in women, possibly due to hormonal influences, especially during pregnancy or menopause.

Nutritional deficiencies – e.g. low levels of vitamin D are associated with several autoimmune diseases, as vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system.

These factors (individually or collectively) cause accumulation of toxins in cells, congestion of vital organs like liver, spleen, colon, kidney, etc., disruption of body’s natural acid alkaline balance and nutritional imbalances. These physiological imbalances cause cellular inflammation which further lead to metabolic disturbances in the body. This disturbed metabolism activates the expression of dormant genes and thus leading to overt signs and symptoms of the disease.

Holistic Corrective Programme Treatment Approach

The holistic approach to management of Autoimmunity: We believe that if the body is provided with a favourable environment, the body has a natural tendency to heal itself. Therefore, at Dr. Bhartis holistic wellness, the treatment aims at restoring the body’s natural environment by-

Correction of Disturbed Metabolism (Metabolic Correction) by means of:

Cellular/ liver detoxification

Vital organ decongestion

Alkalizing body fluids

Optimum nutrition


Holistic Lifestyle Approach for Metabolic and Autoimmune Health

Adopt an Anti-inflammatory Diet – Focus on whole foods, rich in antioxidants, healthy fats (e.g., omega-3 fatty acids), and fiber. Avoid processed foods, sugars, and trans fats. Some specific diets or autoimmune protocol (AIP) by Dr. Bharti’s Holistic Wellness can help reduce inflammation.

Manage persistant Stress – Practice stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or journaling to reduce emotional stress and its effect on the immune system.

Exercise Regularly – Moderate physical activity can reduce inflammation, improve overall health, and help manage weight. However, avoid overexertion, as it can trigger flare-ups.

Optimize Sleep – Prioritize good sleep hygiene by establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a restful sleep environment, and avoiding caffeine or electronics before bedtime.

Limit Toxin Exposure – Reduce exposure to environmental toxins such as pollutants, pesticides, and harmful chemicals by opting for organic foods, using non-toxic cleaning products, and filtering drinking water.

Quit Smoking – Smoking cessation is crucial for reducing the risk of developing or worsening autoimmune diseases, especially in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Supplement Wisely – Supplements like vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and antioxidants may help support the immune system. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any supplementation.

Manage Infections Promptly – Preventing and treating infections early, especially viral infections, may help prevent triggering autoimmune responses. Vaccination can also help protect against specific infections that could trigger autoimmunity.

Hormonal Balance – For women, managing hormonal health through proper medical guidance can help mitigate autoimmune disease symptoms. Hormonal therapy or management may be necessary for some individuals.

By making subtle adjustments in diet, lifestyle, and stress management and by following the Holistic Corrective Program by Dr. Bharti’s Holistic Wellness, it is  possible to address the root causes of inflammation and autoimmunity flare ups and achieve remission, thereby improve quality of life for those with autoimmune disorders.

By making subtle adjustments in diet, lifestyle, and stress management and by following the Holistic Corrective Program by Dr. Bharti’s Holistic Wellness, it is  possible to address the root causes of inflammation and autoimmunity flare ups and achieve remission, thereby improve quality of life for those with autoimmune disorders.


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